
Odds are that if you’re reading this blog, you are somewhat internet savvy. If you’re internet savvy then you have probably heard of Reddit. Hopefully you’re even a redditor which would be cool!

Here is a link to Reddit. I’m so caring and considerate aren’t I?

It may look slightly overwhelming and kind of basic but let me explain…

Reddit is driven by its user community. People create an account and post links to other websites and a variety of things that are internet related. No one will have the same Reddit page because they are a whole load of sub reddits (categories if you want a better explanation) so what comes up on the home page depends on your subscriptions.

Are you with me so far?
Good, let’s carry on.

To the left is an arrow pointing up, and an arrow pointing down. These are up votes and down votes. The user community decides what they like and then the link moves up and can make it to the front page where it’s easier for everyone to see. It can be considered to be a link aggregator.

This shouldn’t be a difficult concept to understand but I’ve explained and demonstrated to my friends and it still confuses them. The best way to understand Reddit is just to go for it. Be careful with commenting though and take your time to observe how things are done. Internet communities can be pretty harsh sometimes (just look at 4Chan… actually no, don’t. I don’t want to be blamed for anything).

Surely you’ve heard of memes right? A lot of them originate from Reddit. It’s not just a silly place as there are also things for politics and world news. There is also a huge atheist following on Reddit and the politics are quite liberal, or at least they give the Republicans a hard time. Reddit is a fun place and you can spend hours on there finding stuff. So make sure you don’t have any important commitments.

Last warning: if you do partake in the shenanigans and comment, use correct grammar.

I’ll provide a list to some interesting things I’ve found.

NB: There are also self posts where people discuss stuff, kind of like a forum. It will all make sense eventually.

Parental advice 
Request to fix a photo
Questions to a UAV pilot 
Story about SR-71 crew 

That’s a very small selection of things I’ve found on Reddit. I’ll leave the rest up to. Happy hunting!


I am still very much alive and enjoying life. Well, as much as someone can when they feel lazy and unmotivated.

For some reason I have started using Tumblr. If you don’t know what it is, it’s a micro blogging site. I’m still trying to think of a separation that I can have between my Tumblr and this WordPress blog. At the moment I’m thinking of using Tumblr for photos and Photoshop projects of some kind and then this blog will be… other stuff. They will be intertwined and er… it will all figure out. Hopefully.

My Tumblr thing.

Deep Fried Pizza

Welcome to Scotland.

On Friday I drove up to the North and beyond to take part in a run on Saturday morning, a 16 hour round trip for an hours worth of running, I got paid for it though. No wonder this country has no money left. My friends and I are all very much from the South and we consider the North to be above the M4. For reference, the M4 goes from Bristol to London (I think) which is more or less a horizontal line.

With regards to Scotland, we crossed the border after the sun had gone down. Eventually we made our way to what I can only assume are the highlands. In the dark I could see some huge hills/smallish mountains. It was pretty incredible around the lochs. Although I was suffering because I was feeling ill and the car journey didn’t help.

Anyway we got to our destination and were to sleep in a town hall. Having only a thin sleeping bag I drifted in and out of consciousness.

The sun came up and it was morning. I hadn’t slept well, I hadn’t eaten and I still felt grimey. My race preparation was great. 15 minutes into the race I thought I was going to collapse but I managed to keep on going and got a respectable time given my condition (my aim was sub 60 minutes but I got 60 minutes and 28 seconds. Story of my life…).

On the way back we stopped in a town to get fish and chips. You may have heard stories about deep fried Mars Bars which my sources tell me is true. At the chip shop we went to I saw on the menu Deep Fried Pizza. My assumption was that it would be a battered pizza in a way similar to fish. It wasn’t. They literally dipped the pizza in the deep fat fryer (I’m not sure if they precooked it and then deep fried it or what…) and that was it.

The taste was… intriguing. I can’t really say it was bad, it was crunchy and kind of nice but because it was pretty much just greasy bread it was very heavy and I couldn’t finish it. Not just the greasiness but the shame I felt and eating such a thing. I had a hurricane of emotions. There is no photo because I was in such shock and I could add a photo of a pizza and a deep fat fryer or possibly photoshop something but I can’t bring myself too google either of those things.

I think I passed out for a few hours as a result….

Would I recommend it? Hmm, tough question. Perhaps try it between a few of you for the sake of trying new “interesting” food. But it’s certainly not something I would eat regularly.